Thursday, April 9, 2009


well had masters again on wednesday. another good session, lots of focus on drills and endurance. i need to keep my elbows high. managed 2.4ks so was happy with my distance. had physio again for shin splints. still not happy with them need to build strengh and bounce in legs and feet. gggrrrrrrrrr!!! had an easter egg hunt for the kids on thursday, so much fun. today has been getting yard and house cleaned up. have a 90 minute ride with my friend at 6am tomorrow... i know 6 am who does that? mushy does thats who and seeing as shes my coach/mentor/inspiration i do now too lol. then its off to hastings for the day then to hers for tea! i havent been out on my bike for ages so will be great having her to kick me in the butt! and to use my new aeros! well thats it for today!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


well had spinning last night another good session thanks anne!!! heart rate was sky high to begin with. not sure why, maybe tired or stressed? evened out during session to and average of 170 which was good. had a good nights sleep again, 8 hours. have masters swimming tonight. i have an addiction to banana muffins! im not making any more. i just eat and eat them. very dangerous!! have enlisted the assistance of a friend to get me back out on my bike too. this weekend were going out on a around 50k ride, just a nice one to get me back into it. well that it for now i think. back tomorrow

Monday, April 6, 2009


hello again...
well i never rode on sunday. went for a walk around the lake instead. no water in there at all so duck shooting opening weekend is looking pretty dismal at the moment. went to my mums for lunch had chicken and coleslaw rolls then tea was salmon, rice and vegies so a pretty healthy day. yesterday wasnt too bad. cereal for breakfast, omlet with leftover salmon and vegies for lunch, steak wraps for tea. a couple of homemade banana muffins and some chips for snacks (ok so they werent the best decision.) had swimming last night swam 1600mtrs.this morning was cereal for breakfast, a banana muffin and marshmallow egg for morning tea. 2 steak wraps for lunch and 6 small piklets for afternoon tea. home made sweet and sour pork planned for tea. have a 45min spin class for tonight and will walk there - about 20 mins. had a skin fold test done today. my fat % is 30 which is suprisingly in the healthy range max being 33%. my hip to waist ratio is .80 which is right on the borderline of being healthy. waist measurement is 85 being 5cm above ideal, bmi is 27, 2 over healthy and weight this morning 70.5, 6.5 over healthy. will be doing the same test in 6-8 weeks so will record differences then. im more looking and fat% than weight as it shows the difference between muscle mass and fat mass. weight may not move but as long as this decreases ill be happy. also aiming to reduce waist measurement to below 80 being the healthy measure. well thats it fortoday!!!!! c u 2morro

Saturday, April 4, 2009


well here we are again... friday was pretty good. ate well. had a couple of treats but nothing major. had a good sleep the night before so that helped too i think. mowed the lawns and did some gardening. saturday was good too. went to a friends to help set up for her new baby, lots of moving furniature and decorating lots of fun. bit of a naughty night tho. went to the stockcars so lots of chippies and lollies and chicken and chips 4 tea... nevermind. today ive got out salmon for tea yum yum. and am going to go out for a ride later. im planning about 2 hours give or take. weighd yesterday morning 69.5kg. aim for today is to drink lots of water and eat more fruit. well thats it, back tomorrow

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

im back

ok so its been over a month since i last checked in but im back. ive been plagued with shin splints and therefor not had any motivation what so ever. in fact today is lowest of low. ive done nothing but eat! i am very tired though (thats not an exuse but its not exactly helping) have got out steak and heaps of vegies for tea tho. im not saying tomorrow is another day... this afternoon is another afternoon! and ill do spinning tonight then have an early night. also ive left weight watchers. i wasnt sticking to it and was still loosing weight so im going to use this and a free exercise tracking site as my tools now and save some $$ for half ironman in the process. ill be using this daily now, have even made it my homepage to encourage me, weekends i may miss tho dont tend to get to the comp over them. so thats it for today! c u tomorrow!!!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


well i havent made it one here for a couple of weeks. my last post was just after getting tomy 5% mark, we have since gained a kilo, but well start with a comentry of that week. after being sick the week before i thought id have a rest week and only train once a day, 10th i was ment to have bats but it rained so instead i span in the shed. wednesday i had masters swimming. swam 1900m was good to be back at masters having a set programme not just going round and round the pond. thursday ws my birthday so i went on a 7k run knowing food wouldnt be my friend, i have started taking a friends dog wich help keep ur pace up ive discovered. friday was off as usual. as was saturday as i decided to go shopping with my birthday money (as u do) sunday we went to the races to watch my inlawa horse race. lots of walking about in high heels but lots of crappy food too. so then comes mondays weigh in and as expected i gained a kilo. i was dissapointed with myself but i know it would happen and was prepared. this week is a 2 session a day week. monday i ran 7k then swam that night at masters. 1700 i think. tuesday i ran 7k in the morning and span 46mins at night. wednesday i ran just over 9ks then had masters at night 1700 again. thursday i went for an hours walk as my shins are sore and im paranoid about shin splints as im prone to them. heres when we go downhill again, after carefully planning food and training for the week my dick of a neighbour puts a spanner in it all and comes over to MY house to try hit on me making me feel really pissed off, nervous, scared, and completely stupid for inviting him for a coffee (we were friends at school, he is now married and i am engaged) so i dont end up training that night feeling like crap. friday i work from a friends not wanting to be home alone, so we have chicken and ships for lunch, i walk home (not far at all) partner is still in wellington getting a dog so he brings me cheeseburger and chicken nuggets for tea (oh god this isnt going well) then saturday i have a good lunch i think but when working out points its 9 points (eek) then we go housework and yardwork and training goes out the window, to my parents for tea and that goes ok except i cant help have some more potato salad and another chop. then they bring out a cheesecake!!! so today im on damege control. a 13k run (about 90mins) and a 30 min swim limited diet for the day will leave me saving 17 points. hopefully i dont put on, im not hoping for a loss but to not gain would be good. so thats my last 2 weeks, lets hope the next 2 work out better

Monday, February 9, 2009


well this week has had its ups and downs. it starts with last tuesday. went for a 5k run in the morning. that went well, then bats that night was really good. i stayed with the lead palaton almost the whole ride (a big achievment for me) then just before the worst hill on course i took my turn at lead except the git to rotate nest didnt so i was left to drag the pack for way too long and was dropped at the hill. ended up coming 13th time wise was a good ride but the fact i was dropped like that was gutting. i need to do hill work. tonight my mission is todo just as well if not better. then wednesday morning went out for a 5k run got home and felt sick, this feeling got worse through the day till at 2 i finally gave in and got the kids picked up early. spent thursday relaxing too, wasnt physically sick just felt aweful. friday was fine again but kept it as my off day to make sure i was right and just painted our room. saturday went for a 30k hilly ride very hot but good tho. sunday i did nothing (oops) just got our rooms organised and all the furniature moved back in. yesterday swam 20 mins and walked 1.5 hours. HAD WEIGH IN AND HAVE FINALLYV MET 5% LOST 1.8KGS about blimen time!!! today is bats again tonight. having an easy training week just one session a day this week as sort of recovery. back to 2 times next week. well thats it for now!!!